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    April 20, 2022

    How to Gain Confidence Speaking Spanish without Anxiety (Interview with Dani Dancing) ♫ 151

    How to Gain Confidence Speaking Spanish without Anxiety (Interview with Dani Dancing) ♫ 151

    Do you ever get nervous when someone asks you a question in Spanish?

    Has your mind ever gone completely blank when you're trying to respond, even if you KNOW you know what you want to say?

    In this episode, you'll hear from Dani Dancing -- a Spanish learner like you who was able to shed her fear of speaking Spanish and get more comfortable having conversations.

    She shares how she was able to conquer her anxiety when talking to native Spanish speakers, and how she found a better way to approach the language by setting effective goals after she joined the Spanish Fluency Club.

    Listen to find out how you can develop your own plan of action to speak more Spanish without being anxious.

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