Jan. 4, 2024

The Ultimate List of Podcasts for Spanish Learners (Updated 2024)

The Ultimate List of Podcasts for Spanish Learners (Updated 2024)

50+ Interesting Podcasts that Will Help You Understand Spoken Spanish for Free

If you’re like many Spanish learners, you are better at reading Spanish than understanding spoken Spanish.

Unless you have had lots of exposure to native Spanish speakers, it can be hard to understand the rapid pace of Spanish speech.

To overcome this hump, it’s important to find quality audio that you can understand and listen to frequently.

With podcasts, you can boost your ability to understand spoken Spanish while you drive to work, clean your house, go for a run, or walk your dog.

Podcasts are simply radio shows broadcasted using the internet. You can subscribe to shows you like using services like iTunes or Stitcher and you will be notified when new episodes are published.

One of the best things about podcasts is that they provide free, accessible, and consistent content.

Many podcasts also have transcripts that you can read and follow along with as you listen. (Note: Sometimes there is a fee or premium subscription requirement to access full transcripts for some shows.)

Some podcasts are inactive and no longer provide new episodes, but don’t let that deter you.  The archives of these podcasts are still available and have a wealth of great content.

With this extensive list of podcasts, you are bound to find something that works for you.

Podcasts for Beginners

Spanish Vocabulary

Free downloads designed by Arkansas Distance Education to introduce learners to basic Spanish vocabulary.

Introduction to Spanish

Introductory phrases to help you begin learning Spanish

Basic Spanish

These audio files contain the listening section of a basic first year Spanish course

Spanish 101: Elementary Spanish

This podcast gives tips on learning grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation for the new Spanish learners

Spanish Podcast

A series of video podcasts explaining basic structures in Spanish

Spanish Course-Learn Out Loud

Podcasts to help you learn basic phrases in Spanish

Dialogues for Spanish Learners: Beginner’s level

Dialogues to hear basic Spanish in context

Duolingo Spanish

Fascinating stories in easy-to-understand Spanish with a mix of English and Spanish (transcripts available on website)

Survival Phrases

Basic Spanish survival phrases

Podcasts for Intermediate Learners

Understanding Spanish with Stories

This podcast introduces present tense verb conjugation through simple stories in Spanish


Nate and Andrea Alger discuss controversial topics, cultural events, and from time to time interview Spanish speakers.

Español Autentico

Audio clips from Spanish learners (no new episodes)

Se Habla Español

A podcast that helps you learn Spanish using the voices of famous people.

Spanish Podcast

A good way to brush up on your Spanish by listening to stories of real life

Spanish Para Todos

This is designed for people who have taken one or two Spanish courses and want to improve their listening and speaking

En Rumbo

The Open University Intermediate Spanish course

La Vida en Español

Listen to interesting 10- minute conversations in Spanish

Spanish A+

Teaches new vocabulary in context through bilingual podcasts

Podcasts for Advanced Learners


Un podcast dirigido a estudiantes extranjeros de español intermedio y avanzado (B1-C2) que se sienten estancados en su aprendizaje y quieren avanzar

La Casa Rojas

The fine points of the language are presented through music, culture, history, literature and food

Notes in Spanish GOLD

Learn Spanish by listening to conversations designed for the advanced/high intermediate learner (*Limited free content, requires payment for full access)

Spanish 360 with Fabian

Podcasts created by a native Argentine living in the US

En Sintonia con el Español

This is the Cervantes Institute teaching module geared toward correcting common Spanish language learner errors

Master Spanish Now!

19-minute podcasts created for intermediate and advanced learners

Tú Escuela Español

A way to increase your Spanish grammar and culture knowledge with clear and easy explanations

Show Time Spanish

Program that teaches Spanish grammar and also includes short stories

Te invito un café

This podcast is about growth, personal development, and how to achieve your goals from a host based in the Dominican Republic

Podcasts for All Levels

Learn Spanish Con Salsa

Of course, we have to mention our own podcast! Our show is for beginner and intermediate Spanish learners that love Latin music, travel, and culture.

Spanish Obsessed

Podcast with a native Spanish speaker from Colombia and a Spanish speaker that has learned Spanish as a 2nd language that highlights common errors made by Spanish learners through real conversation

Podcasts in Spanish

A podcast for students of all levels who want to improve their listening and speaking skills.


Learn Spanish idioms, culture, and grammar with video lessons

Coffee Break Spanish

Short lessons designed to teach you Spanish during your break, this podcast covers a variety of grammar concepts with detailed explanations

Q and A Spanish

Question and Answer sessions with a native Spanish speaker.

L de Lengua

This podcast is about the learning and teaching Spanish

Spanish Quickies

Short lessons with video that cover various grammar topics

Real Fast Spanish

A guide to conversation hacking in Spanish

Insta Spanish

Comprehension exercises and grammar lessons for all levels

Travel and Latin American Culture Podcasts

Dimelo Caminando

This is a podcast dedicated to Spanish language learning, Latin American travel, and on-the-ground education

Tu Tradición Latina

A Latin music and culture podcast

Hola Viajeros

This is an additional resource for News in Slow Spanish that contains resources and information about various Spanish-speaking countries

Café y Te

A comparison of the Eastern and Western cultures in Spanish

Radio Ambulante

Interesting stories about the diversity of the Spanish-speaking world on National Public Radio (NPR) with free transcripts in Spanish and English

Podcasts with Slang and Colloquial Expressions

Mexicano Slang

This podcast will get you speaking like a real Mexican, best for intermediate and advanced learners

Real Spanish

Presents Spanish slang from all over the world

Hablemos Español

Listen to native Mexicans talk about grammar, regionalisms, slang and more

Podcasts with Dialogues


A variety of short conversations based upon real life situations for those beginning to learn Spanish

Learn Spanish: My Spanish Podcasts

Listen to a native Spanish speaker talk about interesting topics

The Unlimited Spanish

Lessons with dialogue and Spanish grammar explanations by a Spanish teacher (native speaker from Spain), 100% in Spanish but speaks slowly and clearly

Grammar-Focused Podcasts

Spanish in 180 seconds

Fast paced grammar tutorials that teach present and past tense

Side by Side

This podcast offers grammatical instruction and comparison to English

Spanish Grammar Review

A grammar review for intermediate and advanced learners

Spanish Pod 101

Teaches grammar through dialogues with detailed explanations from absolute beginner through advanced levels

There you have it, the big list of Spanish podcasts for all levels and interests.

Don’t be afraid to try out a variety of podcasts and only subscribe to the ones that you find useful.

The most important thing is that you find what works for you, stay interested, and have fun while you’re learning Spanish.