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    July 9, 2024

    Learn Nicaraguan Spanish with Music: Amor Fritanguero by La Cuneta Son Machín ♫ 205

    Learn Nicaraguan Spanish with Music: Amor Fritanguero by La Cuneta Son Machín ♫ 205

    En este episodio, Jael Tórrez coach de Spanish con Salsa nos comparte el significado de una canción de Nicaragua. 🇳🇮

    Analizaremos la letra de Amor Fritanguero por La Cuneta Son Machín. 🎶

    En este episodio aprenderás:

    • ¿Qué es una fritanga nicaragüense y qué la hace única? 🤷🏾
    • El significado de expresiones como “abrir la gaza” y “ruge el tigre” 🐯🤔
    • Una de las comidas típicas de Nicaragua: el gallo pinto (alerta de spoiler: no está hecho de gallo) 🐓🤫

    In this episode, Spanish con Salsa Language Coach Jael Tórrez shares the meaning of a song from Nicaragua. 🇳🇮

    We’ll break down the lyrics of Amor Fritanguero by La Cuneta Son Machín. 🎶 

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    • What is a Nicaraguan fritanga and what makes it unique? 🤷🏾
    • The meaning of expressions like "abrir la gaza" and "ruge el tigre" 🐯🤔
    • One of Nicaragua's typical dishes: gallo pinto (spoiler alert: it's not made of chicken) 🐓🤫

    ▶️ Featured Song - Lyrics Video

    🎵 Want to learn more Spanish with music? Listen to these episodes


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    Jael Tórrez Profile Photo

    Jael Tórrez

    Language Coach

    Hola, I'm Jael from Nicaragua 🇳🇮 and I have been tutoring languages like sign language, Spanish and English for over 18 years now.

    During this time teaching I’ve always been a very empathic person, I like to try to understand people’s feelings and help somehow.

    I’m currently learning Portuguese so I understand how hard can be to learn conjugations or grammar, that’s why I would like to help you learn Spanish and practice your conversation skills.

    Click 🌐 icon below to schedule a lesson with me! 👇🏾