Aug. 27, 2024

Persistence Pays Off: Cynthia’s Spanish Success Story ♫ 208

In this episode, Tamara interviews Cynthia, a dedicated member of the Spanish Fluency Club, who shares her journey to becoming fluent in Spanish. 

She talks about the challenges she’s faced over the years, like dealing with language differences in her Cuban family and the lack of resources when she first started learning. 💬

If you’ve ever felt stuck trying to reach conversational fluency or get nervous speaking with native speakers, Cynthia’s experience will definitely resonate with you.

Listen to find out:

  • How Cynthia overcame the fear of being laughed at and re-built her confidence 💪🏾
  • The role of persistence and goal-setting in her journey to fluency 🎯
  • Why having an accountability partner made all the difference in her progress 🤝🏾
  • Cynthia's advice for anyone struggling to learn Spanish 💡

🎧 Listen to more Spanish success stories

- How to Stay Motivated and Make Consistent Progress with Spanish (Interview with Brittany Davis) ♫ 15
- From Beginner to Conversational Fluency in 90 Days (Interview with Ryan Chindavong) ♫ 85
- How to Conquer Your Fear of Speaking Spanish: Dani's Story ♫ 151

Resources Mentioned:

⭐ Join the Spanish Fluency Club: a community dedicated to improving your Spanish fluency with regular conversation practice, structured lessons, and personalized feedback from native speakers

🇨🇺 Check out the Cuban Spanish 101 course

🎵 Check out the Learn Spanish with Music course

[DOWNLOAD] Quick Guide to Your First Spanish Conversation >> Click here to download  or go to - Step-by-step guide to know *exactly* what to say when you meet a native Spanish speaker in less than 30 minutes!

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