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    Articles on Learning Spanish

    Aug. 10, 2023

    Anki vs. Quizlet: The Best App to Learn Spanish Vocabulary

    The foundation for learning Spanish is all about learning new words.  Let’s face it, even with flawless grammar and an awesome accent, you won’t get far if you don’t have a fair amount of words to say. In the book How to…

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    Aug. 3, 2023

    How to Roll Your Rs in Spanish

    Do you want to know how to roll your r’s in Spanish?  Try these practice exercises and you’ll be trilling your tongue perrfectly in no time! One of the most common requests that I get, or one of the things that I hear tha…

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    July 27, 2023

    4 Reasons Spanish Fluency Should Never Be Your Goal

    The case against goal-setting and how to learn Spanish on autopilot with atomic habits Wouldn’t it be nice if, instead of trying to get yourself to study, you were naturally motivated to learn Spanish? What if instead of telling people &ldqu…

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    July 20, 2023

    7 Binge-Worthy TV Series and Telenovelas for Intermediate Spanish Learners

    There is a ton of Spanish content on TV––you just have to know where to look.  In the US, you can find plenty of telenovelas, news shows, sports, and kids programming on both the Univision and Telemundo networks. Expert Tip: …

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    July 20, 2023

    7 Engaging Spanish TED Talks for Intermediate Learners

    TED Talks are short, engaging presentations that cover a range of  topics from neuroscience to social justice. If you’ve never heard of TED Talks before, it’s where former US Vice President Al Gore delivered his passionate pres…

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    May 9, 2023

    Spanish Listening Practice: Ojalá que llueva café by Juan Luis Guerra

    Test your Spanish listening skills! Play the song clip below, then drag & drop the missing words into the song lyrics. Do you enjoy learning Spanish with music? Join our community of aspiring bilinguals that are learning Spanish throug…

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    April 27, 2023

    The Only Spanish Learning Hack that Really Works

    Around new year’s, many people set resolutions for things they’d like to accomplish for the upcoming year. If learning Spanish is one of your goals, I want to share with you the only Spanish goal-setting hack you’ll ever need. It…

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    May 13, 2021

    Breaking through the Plateau: What to Do When You’re Stuck

    Inevitably when you start a project, you’re full of excitement and energy.  You set your goals and you plan to stick to them.  You are motivated beyond belief about what is possible. Then it happens. You start to feel like you&rsqu…

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    May 6, 2021

    How to Get the Most out of for Conversational Spanish Practice

    Last Sunday I stumbled upon a Spanish meetup 10 minutes from my house.  I was so excited to go because it was super convenient and it was a way to practice speaking on a day I really hadn’t planned on studying anyway (bonus!). I love mee…

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    April 8, 2021

    More Unconventional Spanish Hacking Tips from Benny Lewis of Fluent in 3 Months

    I had the awesome opportunity to hangout with Benny the Irish Polyglot of Fluent In 3 Months.  I asked him a few questions about some roadblock I experienced learning Spanish.  Here are a few more tips from our chat… Listen Slowly …

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