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💡 Language Learning Tips 🎙️Episodes

June 2, 2020

5 Rookie Mistakes Spanish Beginners Should Avoid ♫ 75

Do you feel like you'll always be a beginner? Or have you been learning Spanish but are still too embarrassed to speak Spanish? It may be because your current learning strategy is keeping you stuck at the dreaded beginner pha...
April 28, 2020

5 Quick Tips to Reboot Your Spanish Study Routine ♫ 70

Have you been feeling that your motivation is decreasing recently? Maybe you feel as if your study routine has turned completely upside down these days and that makes you feel... bored. There's nothing to worry about. It is t...
March 10, 2020

3 Spanish Immersion Mini-Missions You Can Try at Home ♫ 63

Show Notes: Links Mentioned in this Episode: Cocina Dominicana (Dominican Kitchen): Bilingual Latin American Recipes Recipes: Sancocho Vegano , Sancocho Dominicano de Siete Carnes > LEA...
March 3, 2020

[Q&A] What Should I Do When I Feel Stuck with My Spanish Progress? ♫ 62

Are you stuck in a rut with your language learning? Not sure what to do next? In this episode, I give 4 steps to get unstuck and start making real progress towards Spanish fluency. Related Links: Bachata Paradise (Save with...
Feb. 12, 2020

Effective Language Learning Habits and Venezuelan Spanish (Interview with Mari Polyglot) ♫ 59

In this episode, I interview polyglot Mari Salvestrini. Mari is originally from Venezuela and speaks Spanish, English, Dutch, Portuguese, Italian, and German. In our conversation, Mari shares her advice for creating effecti...
Jan. 7, 2020

[Q&A] How Do I Think in Spanish and Stop Translating in My Head? ♫ 54

In this episode, I'm answering a listener question about how to think in Spanish and stop translating in your head . I also give advice on how to find people to practice Spanish with and share some resources to learn Dominica...
Jan. 5, 2020

[Q&A] Help! I'm Married to a Native Spanish Speaker ♫ 53

In this episode, I'm answering a listener question about how to pick the right approach and resources for you to learn Spanish. I also address how to keep up with conversations and improve your Spanish fluency when you're in ...
Dec. 31, 2019

La manera más fácil de aprender la gramática (The Easiest Way to Learn Spanish Grammar) ♫ 52

In this final episode of the goal-setting series, we’re going to tackle the topic of grammar. I know Spanish grammar can be very confusing. Although it might be complicated, there is a way to master Spanish grammar easily wi...
Dec. 24, 2019

El atajo para mejorar tu comprensión auditiva (The Shortcut to Improve Your Listening Comprehension) ♫ 51

Most Spanish learners struggle with listening comprehension. It can be so difficult that it leaves them feeling frustrated and hopeless. If you’re going to overcome this problem, you need a plan that works. Put these steps...
Dec. 17, 2019

Cómo convertirse en un maestro de conversación (How to Become a Master Conversationalist) ♫ 50

Have you spent a considerable amount of time studying Spanish but you're still not confident in your ability to speak Spanish? Does the idea of having a conversation with a native speaker give you anxiety, and you're not sur...
Dec. 10, 2019

La forma correcta de aprender vocabulario nuevo (The Right Way to Learn New Vocabulary) ♫ 49

The New Year is right around the corner, and it’s time to start thinking about rebooting your Spanish goals. In part 2 of our Spanish language goal-setting series, I’ll show you exactly how to set goals to increase your Span...
Dec. 3, 2019

Cómo establecer metas efectivas de aprendizaje de español (How to Set Effective Spanish Learning Goals) ♫ 48

El nuevo año se nos viene encima, y durante estos días hay muchas personas que piensan en el establecimiento de sus metas. En este episodio, empezamos con una serie de ese tema para ayudarles a establecer metas de su estudio ...
Nov. 12, 2019

4 Easy Ways to Improve Your Spanish Accent (Interview with Hongyu Chen, Speechling) ♫ 45

Do you want to improve your Spanish pronunciation, but don't know where to start? When learning a language, we have so many new skills to learn. Unfortunately, pronunciation can be one of those areas we don't focus on soon e...
Nov. 5, 2019

How to Fix the Most Common Spanish Pronunciation Mistakes ♫ 44

Do you want to find out how to fix your Spanish pronunciation errors? In this interview with Spanish Con Salsa Coach Andrea, we'll share the most common Spanish pronunciation mistakes made by English-speaking Spanish learners...
Oct. 29, 2019

What Type of Spanish Should You Learn? (Part 2) ♫ 43

How do you decide what type of Spanish to learn? In this episode, I'll go over some key questions you should ask yourself to pick a type of Spanish. I also explain how to get started if you're not sure what's the best type of...